Sunday, December 28, 2008

Wonder of numbers, mystery of God

Why is 12345678 x 9 + 9 = 111111111, and 123456789 x 9 + 10 = 1111111111? Also, why is 987654 x 9 + 2 = 8888888, and 9876543 x 9 + 1 = 88888888? Why is there such order in numbers and in the universe?

Lazing around the house or resort during these holidays? It’s a good time to ponder the beauty of mathematics, and of God our Creator, the sum of all wonders, as shared in this PowerPoint presentation. Credits to Wonderful World:

1 x 8 + 1 = 9

12 x 8 + 2 = 98

123 x 8 + 3 = 987

1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876

12345 x 8 + 5 = 98765

123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654

1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543

12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432

123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321

Then this:

1 x 9 + 2 = 11

12 x 9 + 3 = 111

123 x 9 + 4 = 1111

1234 x 9 + 5 = 11111

12345 x 9 + 6 = 111111

123456 x 9 + 7 = 1111111

1234567 x 9 + 8 = 11111111

12345678 x 9 + 9 = 111111111

123456789 x 9 + 10 = 1111111111

And this:

9 x 9 + 7 = 88

98 x 9 + 6 = 888

987 x 9 + 5 = 8888

9876 x 9 + 4 = 88888

98765 x 9 + 3 = 888888

987654 x 9 + 2 = 8888888

9876543 x 9 + 1 = 88888888

98765432 x 9 + 0 = 888888888

Look at this symmetry:

1 x 1 = 1

11 x 11 = 121

111 x 111 = 12321

1111 x 1111 = 1234321

11111 x 11111 = 123454321

111111 x 111111 = 12345654321

1111111 x 1111111 = 1234567654321

11111111 x 11111111 = 123456787654321

111111111 x 111111111 = 12345678987654321

Brilliant, isn’t it? So awed was Einstein about the nature of numbers and of the universe that he gushed: “God reveals himself in the orderly harmony of what exists.” Intelligent Design was for the physicist basic proof that there is a God. (Reprinted)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Financial Management Tips

In these times of global financial crisis and talks of recession it is wise that we should be conscious of our money habits. Recession or not, our financial habits are something that we should take a second look on. Little money mismanagement can hurt us, without us even being conscious about it… until it’s too late.

Here are just some of the suggestions to make us become more money-wise:

1. Live Below Your Means

Before you take your next frapuccino on your favorite coffee shop, think again, can you really afford that lifestyle? Stall the upgrading of your cellphone to the latest model when your present handset is doing just fine. More shoes? Really now, were you able to wear all the shoes that you already have?

These little “luxuries” are what’s hurting us the most. If we can learn to discipline ourselves and differentiate the necessities from the luxuries, we might do well on our finances.

2. Save For the Rainy Days

It cannot be overemphasized. Learning how to save can make the big difference from financial ruin to a financially fit individual. Even if you start small, say just a P50 a week, what’s important is you get to start the habit of saving. Once you get to earn more, you can increase the amount of money you save.

3. Live the Simple Life

Learn how to do away with the material things and just live with the basic necessities. Don’t be too materialistic. The habit of keeping up with the Joneses isn’t healthy and may hurt your finances terribly in the long run.

4. Don’t Believe Those Get-rich-quick Schemes

One weakness that helps scammers make their jobs easier is the inherent greed in every individual. The promise of earning high returns with a quick investment can easily lure you to part with your hard-earned money. But before you do that, remember the saying, “When something seems too good to be true, it’s because it is.”

5. Pay Your Debts

If you can avoid them in the first place, do so. But once you availed of a loan, be sure to meet your due dates and pay your debts. Aside from a clean credit reputation, you can save a lot from the interests and penalties that you might pay if you failed on your obligations.

As a rule of thumb, start paying off the ones with the higher interests.
These are just some of the suggestions that we can do to check our money habits. Of course, getting financial education and having a plan can help us manage our finances better.

The coming Year (2009) would be a perfect time to correct all our bad spending habits and take control of our finances. (Source: Pinoy Business)

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Bill Gates - the Billionnaire: How did it all started?

The most influential and probably the richest person in the world now is always good to be discussed. Bill Gates. Let’s go back to his past and learn again how this person position himself in the world now. The leading actor in the world economy.

Like any other teenagers that are hooked in computer games, Bill Gates spends most of his time handling and working with the computer (although during those times, computers are not that good as compared to what we have now). He was a bit dissatisfied with the computer and system his school, Lakeside School in Seattle, offers his students. The system that they were using was Teletype link.

Aside from him, there’s this another guy who were also dissatisfied with the primitive characteristics of the computer they were using at school. So he and Bill (age 15) decided to be partners for a business. The teenagers gain a profit of $20,000 because of their development of Traf-O-Data that measures the traffic flow in their city.

Bill later entered Harvard in 1973. He never had a realization of performing well until 1974, when Allen showed him a magazine that contains the article about the invention of the world’s first microcomputer. To their enthusiasm and love for computers, they called MITS (the company) in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and told them that they have the best software that will fit their new microcomputer. The company immediately says yes, that obliges them to put up their lies into reality.

Then came BASIC, the system that fits MITS and the reason why Bill dropped out of Harvard and join his buddy Allen to work in Albuquerque. To cut it short, they developed more system (MS DOS) for IBM and obtained more money, moved their company to Seattle and work hard. And later, obliges computer industries, to make sure that in producing computers their software must also come into package, and thus increasing the sales of their business. And until now, their business is such a boom, the Microsoft.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A New Technology Locks Your Laptop When Stolen

It's an old story but I'll say it again: Stolen laptops are the no. 1 computer crime in the world, though they don't get anywhere close to the amount of press that identity thieves and NORAD hackers do.

But preventing physical theft is a surprisingly difficult challenge, and even the most dedicated security enthusiast can't prevent every mugging, or every rental car trunk from being jimmied open during a quick bite of lunch. Meanwhile, electronic security measures like encryption and biometrics have terrible uptake levels. Other solutions, like LoJack for Laptops, can be helpful in recovering lost hardware, but by then any sensitive data on the device will have likely fallen into the wrong hands.

Enter a new solution from Lenovo, the ThinkPad people: Using a text message sent via the cellular network to disable a notebook when a user discovers it's gone missing. It works just like a standard text message: A 3G cellular chip in the laptop is always listening for the kill signal, and when it arrives, the laptop immediately becomes unusable. If the laptop is off at the time, it goes into lockdown the next time it's booted. No data on the laptop is destroyed, but a password is required to make the notebook functional again.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Tips for Sleeping Comfort

Generally, it has been assumed that the need for sleep does not decrease with age, but rather that other factors gradually come to interfere with our ability to sleep through the night.

Older individuals, for instance, are at greater risk not only for developing medical and psychiatric disorders but also for taking medications that can disrupt sleep. In spite of these influences, however, it may be that an actual biological deterioration of the sleep drive might also be playing a role.

A new study published in the journal Current Biology has been able to shed some light on this puzzle of sleep and aging. The researchers, who wanted to determine the maximal sleep capacity of both young and older persons, arranged for groups of younger adults (ages 18 to 32 years) and older adults (ages 60 to 76 years) to lie in bed for 12 hours during the night and for another 4 hours in the afternoon.

The subjects tended to sleep significantly longer at the beginning of the experiment, presumably because they were making up for a sleep debt accrued during their usual daily sleep routines. When the sleep patterns stabilized, however, the younger adults were capable of sleeping for much longer times — an average of 8.9 hours daily — than were the elderly people, who got only 7.4 hours daily. This 1.5-hour difference in maximal sleep capacity is impressive.

If your biological drive for sleep seems to have decreased, make sure that you are following the kinds of routines and behaviors that will give you the best chance of getting as much refreshing sleep as possible. Here are some examples of good sleep hygiene:

1. Make sure that you're going to bed early enough to allow yourself to get an adequate night's sleep.

2. As your bedtime approaches, develop a relaxing routine in the evening — don't keep busy until the moment before you expect to fall asleep.

3. Avoid watching TV in bed.

4. Sleep in a cool, relatively dark room.

5. Consider going to sleep to the sound of white noise, either from a bedside fan or
a machine that generates calming sounds.

6. Increase your exercising, but don't do it so near to bedtime that it gets your adrenaline flowing and keeps you awake.

7. Limit your daily intake of caffeinated beverages and avoid them completely after lunchtime.

8. Avoid alcoholic beverages.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The 10 Most Disappointing Treats for Halloween

On Halloween night, some houses struggle with the idea of candy. There are good houses, and there are bad houses. The best trick-or-treaters know to avoid the latter. At the food site Serious Eats, we all love Halloween, but wish certain homes would just stop handing out the classically bad "treats." They weren't good last year, the year before that, or now. Our own Erin Zimmer put together this list of our top 10 Halloween treats that nobody wants...

1. Toothbrushes

Dentists and orthodontists should not be allowed to celebrate Halloween if they're going to get all tooth doctory on us. Do not bring your work home with you, folks! We all have a personal responsibility to brush, and maybe some of us will forget, but your complimentary bristles on a stick (instead of a Snickers) will not help us remember. It will make us despise you and your trade.

2. Raisins

Little boxes of stuck-together shriveled globs are not what little kids schlep around the neighborhood for all night. When they say trick-or-treat, they want candy that will rot their teeth, not wrinkled grapes. (Using an empty box as a kazoo-like instrument, though, is kinda fun.)

3. Candy Corn

The most polarizing candy of all. The fruitcake of Halloween; it just never goes away. If you love them, fine. But don't subject the rest of us haters to the sickeningly sweet triangle that tastes like neither candy nor corn.

4. Smarties and Necco Wafers

These chalky candies are supposedly "fruit-flavored," but no fruit I know tastes like dust -- and makes everything eaten after taste like dust, too.

5. Dum Dum Lollipops

Usually, foods on a stick are yummy (corn dogs, ice pops), but Dum Dums just can't be included on that list. Not even if they were breaded and deep-fried and served at a fair.

6. Apples

Long before "poisoned candy" scares, evil people were handing out apples instead of candy on Halloween. This disappointing "treat" is the main reason to avoid unwrapped food while trick-or-treating.

7. Tootsie Rolls

It looks like chocolate and sort of smells like chocolate, but the mini brown tubes are not real chocolate. They taste like watered-down chocolate, and have a chewy texture that will strip the fillings right off your molars.

8. Miscellaneous, Wrapped Hard Candies

Halloween is supposed to be a holiday for young people, not senior citizens who suck on hard candies all day. Something about the strawberry-shaped strawberries, gold-wrapped butterscotch, and peppermint feels past the expiration date. (These usually get set aside for Granny.)

9. Laffy Taffy

I do not laffy when I get these. I sobby. I get depressedy. Because it gets all stucky to my teethy and doesn't even taste that goody.

10. Anything Fun-Sized

Who started calling it this? Since when is one bite fun?! Give us the rich houses with the sprawling driveways and full-sized candy bars any day. Portion control doesn't need to start this young.

Check out these Halloween treats you will want to eat.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Too Skinny?

My friend was recently on the "90210" set and the first thing I asked him about his visit was, "What did those girls look like in person?" He shook his head and told me, "The girl who plays Silver ... it's scary.. she's too thin!"

It is scary. Two of "90210's" stars -- 18-year-old Shenae Grimes and 21-year-old Jessica Stroup -- are significantly and horrifyingly underweight, especially when you take into consideration that what we're seeing on TV includes 10 additional "camera pounds."

The gossip from the set is that Shenae and Jessica have gotten even thinner since the show started and that some of their cast members have become so concerned that they are planning an intervention.

I hope that's true. Think about how tired and cranky you get when you haven't eaten. Now think about the extremely long hours and the intense pressure that these young women are subjected to. If Shenae and Jessica don't start taking their health more seriously, their bodies are going to react negatively.

In an LA Times piece addressing the issue, a few older and highly respected actresses (like Holly Hunter and Kyra Sedgwick) were also called out for being on the super skinny side, but there is something far more inherently wrong about casting emaciated actresses in a show targeted at young women. "Gossip Girl" may be "every parent's nightmare" and "mind-blowingly inappropriate," but at least those exceptionally hot-looking girls look like they've eaten breakfast.

Clearly the olden days of the original "Beverly Hills, 90210," which featured girls with normal teenage bodies (until Tori Spelling got implants), are long gone. An Entertainment Weekly article about this very issue made the observation that "Mad Men" is the only current show where "the exaggerated hourglass ... is the very definition of sexy. But, alas, her curves are another prop of the era."

Maybe the positive thing about all of this is that the audience has responded with an appropriate amount of shock, horror, and concern. And perhaps we're finally acknowledging the fact that someone actually can be too thin.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Secrets to Staying Inspired About Your Life

By Lucy Danziger
SELF Editor-in-Chief

Today I'm sharing favorite ways to stoke my passion, creativity and determination -- my no-fail strategies for getting and staying inspired, no matter what my aim or what’s going on in my day.
One of my favorites: I’ve created a photo collage on my bulletin board at home of beautiful, triumphant, inspiring images of women meeting all kinds of physical challenges and looking gorgeous, strong and confident. I especially love old black-and-white fashion photographs, as well as Olympians and luscious beauty shots.

The mix is key. Right now, my all-time favorite picture comes from Triathlete Magazine -- it’s of a woman biking in the Kona Ironman in Hawaii, looking glowing, focused, in control and serenely beautiful, which is exactly what I aspire to be when I am at my physical best.

Try these two other tips for inspiring yourself to greater feats, whether of physical endurance or creativity:

1. Make a wonder list. Jot down 10 experiences that have made an impact on you, whether it’s taking a hot air balloon ride or a trip to a beautiful place, or listening to a favorite writer do a reading. “Focusing on something you find inspiring rather than pressuring yourself to [perform] helps your brain shift gears for those aha moments,” says Michael J. Gelb, author of Discover Your Genius (Harper Collins).

2. Get uncomfortable. When life becomes too routine, you may find that your thinking becomes routine, too. Break out of your rut by doing at least one thing differently each day -- advice that works when you’re exercising, too! Instead of having coffee at your desk, for instance, go to a coffee shop with a colleague or sit outside and exchange ideas. The more variety you seek out, the more inspired you’ll be.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Moments of silence mark 9/11 terrorist attacks

NEW YORK - Relatives of victims killed at the World Trade Center are observing moments of silence to mark the seventh anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

The ceremony at ground zero included moments of silence at 8:46 a.m. and 9:03 a.m. — the times that two hijacked jets slammed into the twin towers. Two more moments of silence were to be held at the times the towers fell.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg opened the ceremony by telling the tearful audience: "Today marks the seventh anniversay of the day our world was broken."

Other ceremonies are being held throughout the day around the country, including in Washington and in Pennsylvania. Barack Obama and John McCain are due at ground zero to pay silent respects. (AMY WESTFELDT, Associated Press)

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Angela Merkel tops Forbes list of powerful women

German Chancellor Angela Merkel was Wednesday named the world's most powerful woman by Forbes Magazine, putting her at the top of the prestigious list for the third year in a row.

Merkel soundly beat the likes of US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, who fell from fourth place last year to seventh place, and former US first lady and Democratic presidential contender, Senator Hillary Clinton, who was ranked 28th by the magazine -- three places lower than last year.

Runner-up in the rankings was the little known Sheila Bair, head of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), the US agency that "maintains the stability and public confidence in the nation's financial system by insuring deposits, supervising financial institutions, and managing receiverships."

The third-place finisher was another unknown, Indra Nooyi, chief executive of US softdrink giant, PepsiCo, who was one of 54 business leaders on the list.

Argentine President Cristina Kirchner, one of 23 politicians on the list, is in 13th place.

Other notable women on the list include French Economy, Finance and Employment Minister Christine Lagarde, in 14th place; Italian-born Sonia Gandhi, head of the Indian National Congress Party, ranked 21st; and Queen Rania of Jordan, in 96th place.

Six of the top 10 women are American, with the remaining four from Germany, Australia, Singapore and France. Pres. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo of the Philippines did not make it to the top 100.

Friday, August 22, 2008

7 Counterintuitive Ways to Save Money

by Jeffrey Strain

Earnest attempts to save money here and there don't always add up to much. When traditional methods fail, it's time to consider a few counterintuitive options.

Spend Money

If you want to get the most for your money, you are going to have to spend. One of the biggest mistakes people make when they are trying to get their finances in order is to stop spending money alogether.

Not all spending is the same. You should limit unnecessary purchases, but spending on essential upkeep, preventive measures and items that will save money in the long run is vital for getting and keeping your finances in order.

Scrimp now on items and services that can help prevent larger expenses in the long run--such as routine car maintenance and energy-saving bulbs--and you could pay for it later.

Don't Stay Home in Front of the TV

While staying home is certainly less expensive than going out with your friends, it isn't likely to improve your financial situation significantly. In fact, it can cost you a lot of money.

Instead of staying home and lamenting that you can't afford to go out, take the initiative. Sign up for some classes to improve your job prospects and learn new cost-cutting skills so that next year you don't have to sit at home thinking about the things that you want but still can't afford.

Don't Spend Time Learning How to Invest

When you are first starting to improve your finances, don't make learning how to invest a priority. Instead, put your investing on autopilot and follow the advice of Warren Buffett: "The best way to own common stocks is through an index fund."

Once you've mastered your finances and have saved a nice nest egg, then you'll have time to research individual stocks. Until then, your time will be much better spent on improving your finances through other means.

Don't Leave Your Investments to Experts

Do your own investment research. This research should include getting experts' opinion, but don't rely on it exclusively.

You should make the final decision for your circumstances. Giving your finances completely over to someone else to take care of, no matter how much of an expert he or she may be, is asking for financial trouble.

Don't Let Salary Determine Job Choice

One of the worst financial mistakes you can make is to base your job choice on salary alone.

Visit the Banking & Budgeting Center

For long-term earning and financial health, you're almost always better off choosing the job you will find most satisfying.

Even if the salary is lower at the outset, you'll be more productive -- and more likely to advance -- if you're engaged and motivated.

Don't Buy What Is Cheapest

"Cheap" rarely means "the best value." To get the most out of your hard-earned money, you must think value rather than price. A car that is inexpensive, but costs a lot to drive and needs frequent repairs has less value than a car with a higher price tag but costs less to run and maintain.

This concept of buying value over price can be applied to anything and will mean that you rarely buy items which are the least expensive.

Don't Buy Things That Are on Sale

Much like things that are on the cheap, things that are on sale are rarely the best value.

There are two major problems with most items on sale: They are often something that you really don't need, and even if you do need them, you can usually find an alternative with better value.

If it's not something you'd buy even if it weren't on sale, it's a purchase you shouldn't make.

When you find something on sale that you do need, don't buy it without looking at other options. If you need the item and there aren't better options, buy away.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

How they kept the faith and survived in US

They had every reason not to go to the United States.

Life was relatively easy for the newlyweds Nehemias and Perlita Legaspi in the late 1970s. He was the lone dentist and she was a staff nurse in a top teaching hospital in Manila. Together they were earning more than enough to start a family without having to sacrifice personal comfort and everything else.

Still, the announcement came that they were leaving soon—and for good—much to the disbelief of their peers at the University of Santo Tomas Hospital. “Are you crazy?” the wife remembers one doctor asking, echoing the prevailing sentiment among friends and relatives.

They probably were, considering the tough life that would eventually greet them during their first few years in Chicago and later in Los Angeles. But that was just part of the Nemy and Pearl saga in America.

The couple today have more than what they had wished for—a classy two-story dream home in Los Angeles, nice cars, stable careers and retirement opportunities they most likely would not have had if they had chosen to stay in the Philippines.

And that’s just the material side of the story. The rest of it is known only to people close to the couple – how they kept the faith, held on to each other and survived America.

“Everything was in control because we knew that God was watching over us,” Nemy, 58, says in an interview at the couple’s residence in Eagle Rock, LA.

It was Pearl, not Nemy, who was dead-set on settling in the US. She left him with no choice when she sold all their belongings within a week after they got their visas. She knew her children stood a better chance in the US.

Armed men at checkpoint

One afternoon in Parañaque, for instance, the couple and their 3-year-old son Marco ran into a supposed government checkpoint. Also in the car were their long-time friends Rene and Susan Villanueva and their first-born Irene. Before they knew it, Armalites were pointed at them.

Several anxious moments later, the four men manning the checkpoint let them go. “There are kids,” one of them was heard as saying. “Let’s not proceed with the plan.”

Whatever the “plan” was the family could only think of the worse. It didn’t take much convincing later on for Nemy to share Pearl’s American dream.

The family found instant accommodation in the Windy City where Nemy’s parents owned a three-door apartment. Pearl found work in three weeks at a nearby nursing home. Nemy got none.

Chicago’s biting cold kept him home most of the time, leaving him to tend to the children. By then they already had their second son Marlo.

In-law troubles

In one of those days when the weather was unbearable, father and his two boys woke up to the smell of French fries cooking at the Burger King joint next to their apartment. With Pearl’s salary barely enough for the family, Nemy bought his kids a quarter’s worth of fries, their dad’s best “treat” for months to come.

“That was when I was struck by self-pity,” he says. “I couldn’t even buy my children a decent meal.”

Pearl’s in-laws didn’t exactly make things easier for the new immigrants. To begin with, they didn’t like her, a provincial lass from Zambales. They felt their son deserved better, someone like this Chicago-based doctor they had been pairing him with for years.

“We didn’t come here to break up,” he told his parents each time. “We came here to improve our lives as a family.”

Then thanks to a rumor-mongering in-law, the immigrant couple’s American dream almost vanished. The relative spread the word that Pearl was having an affair with a co-worker.

Pearl found peace in her innocence, saying not a word when the entire Legaspi clan in their Chicago apartment confronted her. One of Nemy’s brothers even poked a finger at her face.

Told about the rumor, Nemy was incredulous, knowing too well that his wife was incapable of such a thing. This wasn’t the Pearl who had single-handedly protected him from a group of fratmen that nearly mauled them in UST a few years earlier, he remembered.

Fightin’ Pearl

With the couple surrounded and outnumbered, Pearl raised her fists, jumped to her toes and began circling her boyfriend to the surprise of their foes. The fratmen backed off and were literally kneeling before Pearl, one after another, at the hospital a few days later.

The fratmen, all medicine students, needed her forgiveness to avoid expulsion from UST. They never messed with the tough nurse or her boyfriend since then.

“That was one of the most embarrassing moments in my life,” Nemy recalls. “Imagine having your girlfriend protecting you with her bare fists? I was stunned myself. I realized then how brave she was and how much she loved me.”

So the rumor could not have been true that Pearl had gone astray, he told his parents in Chicago that evening in 1982. To clear things up, he went to the alleged lover and asked him to enlighten his folks. It turned out that this was the same guy the rumormonger had asked to walk Pearl to the subway every now and then.

“She told me to accompany Pearl because she’s new in the city,” he told Nemy. “I can’t understand why she would spread something like that.”

In the evening, the guy went to the Legaspi apartment and confronted the relative. Pearl was vindicated but knew it was time to go. She didn’t sleep in the apartment that night. The family packed for LA the following day, carrying only $300 max and expiring tourist visas.

Welcome relief

The City of Angels was a welcome relief for the weary couple, its moderate weather more to their liking. Away from his parents’ prying eyes, they started anew with Pearl finding another job as a nurse.

Nemy remained unfortunate. He would spend eight hours, job-hunting on the streets of LA daily but still finding none. Dental clinics shunned him for lacking local experience. It didn’t matter to them that he was an experienced dentist back home.

Pearl remained the sole breadwinner for the next year or so, taking home a monthly salary of $500. Much of it went to their small apartment’s rent downtown, leaving only $120 for the rest of their expenses.

Nemy the house husband would buy one whole dressed chicken that usually lasted them a week: “I would cut it into four and make a variety of dishes out of it.”

Young Marco had his contribution, too. He would take home juice packs that came free with his meal ration in school so that daddy would have something to fill their empty refrigerator with.

All the while, Nemy’s parents knew nothing about their suffering in the West Coast. The couple purposely stayed under the radar when told that his folks wanted them deported. They would later realize that it was probably yet another rumor unleashed by their in-law.

“The news we were getting was that my parents were angry,” he says. “They supposedly wanted to punish us for being ungrateful.”

As if their condition weren’t getting any worse, Pearl came down with a serious lung problem in 1983. The best place Nemy could take her to was the emergency room of a government hospital. There he realized how low they had tumbled.

He says that in the company of stab victims and penniless patients, Pearl became a virtual specimen for group upon group of medical students.

But she got a clean bill of health two weeks later. The hospital discharged her, too, charging her not a penny of the entire $16,000 bill. Nemy’s prayers were answered.

Healing wounds

Fortune began smiling for the hardworking couple in 1984. She passed the nursing Boards; he finally got a job as a dental assistant in Torrance. Later he would become a long-time dental consultant in a private clinic now owned and managed by his son Marco.

Pearl’s nursing license got her a job at the prestigious White Memorial Hospital where she was later promoted to unit manager. She moved to Cedars Sinai Medical Center years later as coordinator for rehabilitation. The probinsyana was made.

By 1986, the couple decided it was time to surface and face his angry folks in Chicago. On their way home from an affair in Indianapolis, the Legaspis detoured to the Windy City and stopped by their old place. The sight of a long-lost son and his family finally paying his parents a visit healed all wounds of four years past.

“Where have you been? We’ve been looking for you for so long,” Nemy’s mother told his family. Her embrace had never felt that good. Healing had begun.

The timing of their reconciliation would later prove propitious when Nemy’s mother phoned him in LA. She was crying. Her other son and daughter-in-law—the same woman who had spread that ugly rumor against Pearl years ago—had transferred ownership of the Chicago apartment to their name. The in-law brought her side of the family in, took charge of the house and confined the old folks to a single room.

‘Good soul’

Among all her children in LA, Nemy’s mom contacted him, saying she was most “at ease” with Pearl. She described her as a “good soul.” “I told you so,” the son told himself.

The couple helped his folks get started and later found them a decent place a few minutes away from their house at Eagle Rock. Last year, they brought them to Encenada in Mexico, their first-ever luxury cruise in all their years in America.

“Son, we didn’t know it was this good,” Nemy’s mother said. “Thank you!”

All’s forgiven

The Legaspis also made peace with the daughter-in-law. She paid a visit one day, apologized for her big mouth and the lives it almost wrecked. Nemy says she had been forgiven long before that.

All these are but stories the couple hardly talk about nowadays. They’ve made it in America. It wasn’t a crazy idea after all.(related by Christian Esguerra;

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Five causes of rapid aging

Dr. Mao's Secrets of Longevity

Most people are aware that negative lifestyle habits like smoking and excessive alcohol can lead to rapid aging. But what about the repeated stress and poor nutrition that are so often a part of a high-pressure style of living today? Read on to see what could be causing rapid aging in your life.

1. Poor Diet
What you eat probably affects your health more than anything else you do. When you eat a poor diet—fatty, processed, or fried foods and simple sugars—you invite rapid aging by burdening your body with chemical additives and trans-fats and depriving your body of essential nutrients. On the other hand, when you eat the life-giving foods, you prevent disease and improve organ functioning.

In general, your diet should consist of a wide array of colors and balance of organic sources of lean protein, complex carbohydrates, whole grains, legumes, nuts, fruits, and vegetables. Numerous studies show that the different pigments in the skins of fruits and vegetables are powerful antioxidants that are crucial for maintaining health, preventing cancer, and protecting against environmental toxins.

Avoid fatty foods, processed or fried foods. Keep dairy to a minimum because most dairy products are high in saturated fat. Take candy, sugar, soda, and all simple sugars out of your diet. Excess sugar gets stored as fat in your body, which spells in weight gain—a sure path to cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and diabetes. You truly are what you eat, so eat well!

2. Unhappiness
Unhappiness does not only depress your mood, it also negatively affects your health. In fact, depressed, unhappy people are twice as likely to develop heart disease. And it has been confirmed that personality profile Type C—people that tend towards melancholy, depression, and excessive worry—are prone to develop cancer. Do not underestimate the power of your mind. Your experience is determined by the energy you embody, and in the end, it is your choice to have a negative perception or a positive attitude in reaction to life's breakdowns.

Years ago, I had the pleasure of working with the late Norman Cousins. His research showed that the mind has a powerful influence on many physiological functions, including the immune system. He found that an increase in immune killer cells that attack cancer occurred in cancer patients who experienced 30 minutes of deep belly laughter every day for twelve weeks. Laughter also increases the release of endorphins, compounds that give you a sense of well-being. Undoubtedly, joyful people liver longer and healthier lives.

3. Lack of Exercise
I have never met a healthy person or centenarian that lived a physically inactive life. Exercise is essential for a healthy metabolism, proper energy circulation, and the expelling of cellular wastes. Being overweight and inactive is a surefire path to rapid aging and a host of diseases. Cardiovascular exercise is the key to speeding up your metabolism, burning excess calories, and fighting body fat. Brisk walking, hiking, jogging, swimming, bicycling, stair climbing-the options are endless for cardio health! Exercise for 30 minutes at 60-80% of your MHR (You can find this number by subtracting your age from 220.) Regular exercise is also the key to preventing non-insulin-dependent diabetes, which is the fastest growing disease in industrialized countries throughout the world.

You can stave off rapid aging to your muscles, joints, and tendons by practicing exercises that extend your range of motion; some options include tai chi, qigong and yoga. Check out simple tai chi moves that you can learn easily in my book, Harmony Tai Chi by clicking here. Also, moderate load-bearing exercises are essential for bone density and muscle strength. Don't forget when you are exercising to always warm up and cool down properly to avoid injury.

4. Stress
Stress is a huge byproduct of our busy lives and it takes a tremendous toll on our health. Our body's "survival mode" gets turned on all too often these days. When you are experiencing stress, your body is programmed to go into fight-or-flight mode, a state that requires a lot of energy. Adrenaline is released from the adrenal gland, and it tells the body to convert stored sugar from the liver to glucose because the energy needs of the body increase substantially during the supposed fight-or-flight scenario.

Unfortnately, this scenario almost never plays out and the excess blood sugar that never got used ends up being stored as fat—inevitably resulting in weight gain. What's more, all of this stress continually depletes your body of its energy resources until it crumples under the overload, leading to adrenal exhaustion, a nervous breakdown, or a broken-down immune system.

To stay stress-free, remember to breathe deeply all day. And give yourself a break! You are a human, not a machine. Try taking a 15-minute powernap during your lunch break. If you only have 5 minutes to spare, just closing your eyes will release tension. Better still, consider taking up meditation, a great way to dissolve stress. To learn more about how to use meditation to decrease stress, click here.

5. Lack of Sleep
There's no way around it: the average adult needs seven to eight hours of quality sleep every night to maintain health. Consider that your immune system drops by an average of 60% after just three nights of poor sleep. Without sufficient "recovery time" each night, you will run your body down and wear out your life force, paving the way for disharmony and disease.

I hope you find the ways to live long and live strong! I invite you to visit often and share your own personal health and longevity tips with me.

May you live long, live strong, and live happy! (By Dr. Maoshing Ni)

Saturday, July 19, 2008

When Pinoy doctors become US nurses..

Since 2001, the Philippine Medical Association noted that about 5,000 doctors have become registered nurses in the United States, United Kingdom and Saudi Arabia. GMANews.TV

Almost every kid once dreamed of becoming a doctor someday.

From the moment they had their first polio shot or underwent a routine check-up, the image of a selfless, patient, and caring doctor has been embedded in children's minds.

And who doesn’t want to take care of lives? Care for the poor? Or help save the world?

If recent statistics are to be believed, a lot of Filipinos grow up not pursuing that childhood dream.

Recent studies show a dramatic drop in the number of college students pursuing a career in medicine. The decline in medical school enrollments can be as high as 50 percent while countless go on an exodus to greener pastures overseas.

Since 2001, the Philippine Medical Association noted that about 5,000 doctors have shelved their hard-earned MDs (Doctor of Medicine) to become RNs (Registered Nurses) in countries like the United States, United Kingdom or Saudi Arabia.

And it’s not hard to imagine why Filipino medical doctors want to become nurses in the United States, the country where most health care professionals migrate. While a doctor, say from the Philippine General Hospital earns P25,000 a month, an overseas nurse can earn more than 12 times overseas.

Faced with the soaring prices of petroleum and basic commodities, most Filipino doctors are forced to make the difficult choice of crossing over to become nurses which in turn create a huge void in the medical health system in the country.

When the doctor is out (of the country)

It is a fact that medical schools charge among the most, if not the most, expensive fees compared with other courses in the country. Therefore, there is an expected return-on-investment on the part of the family and also the person who has toiled to obtain the coveted degree.

In 2005, the Philippine Overseas Employment Agency (POEA) noted that about 14,694 medical-related workers, or 4.4 percent of the total share of Filipino migrant workers, were deployed overseas as newly-hired OFWs. This sector was the sixth top occupation for Filipinos abroad that year, next to domestic helpers, entertainers, factory workers, construction workers and caregivers.

However, in recent years, the medical profession has experienced a slump. Dr. Fernando Sanchez, executive director of the Association of Philippine Medical Colleges, noted in a 2005 discussion that there is a declining interest in medicine as a career despite the increase of high school graduates - some of whom might have once dreamt of becoming a doctor in their younger years.

“The once popular profession of medicine has lost its glitter," said Sanchez during the 2005 Philippine medical summit. “In the early 1980’s the attention of the government was called to what is termed as ‘reverse education’ or the cross-professional migration of doctors to nursing."

He explained that the growing unpopularity of the medical profession can be traced to two primary causes: The economic situation and the lack of nationalistic policies and planning.

“Medicine used to be the preferred health profession but the course is too expensive for most and takes a long time before one can start earning, “said Sanchez.

The World Health Organization has also considered the loss of health professionals as a matter of utmost concern. Its Western Pacific Regional Office commissioned a study in 2001 which concluded that migration was not a “overspill" but a definite loss to the country, and the negative outcomes are both financial (loss of training costs) and social.

WHO noted that the shortage or complete absence of doctors in some regions or areas of specialization will jeopardize progress towards healthy communities, possibly leading to a reversal of recent gains, especially as degenerative diseases become more prevalent.(

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Exercises for Sustainable Happiness

When Aymee discovered positive psychology in college, she set out to unlock the secret to lasting joy. Now an accredited happiness expert, she's made a career out of making people smile.

Aymee's Story

"I was at a pivotal moment in college where I was figuring out what to do with my life, and I realized that I just wanted to help people be happy."
In my adolescence I was social butterfly. I liked to have fun, played sports, went to school and had a lot of friends. It wasn't really until my 20s when the real hardship struck. I was fat, ugly, poor and divorced, and I knew that there was no way that I could help anyone be happy unless I was happy myself. Over the course of the last ten years, through these hardships and through studying positive psychology in school, I figured out how to bring lasting happiness into my life and the lives of others.

"What I care about is sustainable happiness, which comes from having purpose and meaning in life."

Everyone has gone through an experience of fleeting happiness - something you feel when you receive flowers from a secret admirer. I don't focus on that too much because it doesn't last. In sustainable happiness, people focus on and utilize their strengths. They explore the spiritual side of their happiness by achieving a higher level of consciousness. I've made it my mission to teach people how to create sustainable happiness in their lives by doing happiness exercises.

Exercise 1: Take responsibility for your own happiness.
No one is going to make you happy. You have to do it for yourself. You have to choose to let things go and to choose to find neutral ground. If you're just sitting there thinking about all of your problems, you won't be happy. Problems don't lead to happiness, believe it or not.

Exercise 2: Express gratitude for what you have.
Write down five or ten things that you are really grateful for every day. We always have things to be grateful for - our arms, our legs, our eyes, our teeth, the air that we breathe, our family, our friends, the house that we live in. The list goes on and on, so I don't want to hear any excuses.

Exercise 3: Practice random acts of kindness.
Practice five random acts of kindness a day. It can be something as simple as telling your coworker, "That outfit looks good on you." People just want to smile, they just want us to be good to them. There's actually a random acts of kindness foundation where you can learn different types of things you can do daily. If you do this every day for a month, I'm telling you your life is going to change. Mine did.

Exercise 4: Smile.
There is one crucial element to happiness, and you cannot achieve happiness without this element. If you take the corners of your mouth and you put them toward your cheek bones, are you happier? Our smile is the best happiness tool we have because it's a way to make other people happy without saying a word. When in doubt, just smile.

Because I explored the secrets behind holding onto happiness, I now have better health, better relationships and more success than I ever did before.(Aymee:

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Why celebrity couples fail?

Rumors have been tiptoeing around about marriage troubles between Madonna and her husband of seven years, director Guy Ritchie. It seemed to everyone that the once wild, pointy bra-wearing Queen of Pop had settled down for good with her Brit, with her finding Kabbalah, doing massive amounts of yoga, and adopting little David from Malawi. However, all indications point towards a confirmation of a divorce, with word that she's hiring Paul McCartney's divorce lawyer, Fiona Shackleton. Thus, another celebrity marriage bites the dust. Sad, sad, sad. All relationships and marriages face their challenges, but in the world of Hollywood and fame, there are booby traps left and right from being surrounded by gorgeous men and women, having nasty rumors spread, and over publicized romances.

After the jump, pitfalls that celebrity couples face that us average Joe's and Jane's don't have to deal with.

Temptation: the other woman/man
Case in point: Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston
Imagine yourself in Jennifer Aniston's shoes: your husband is the hottest man alive and he's leaving to shoot a movie with the hottest woman alive, Angelina Jolie. The set of Mr. and Mrs. Smith proved to be too much quality time between Brad and Angelina and those pouty lips were no match for Jen's toned arms. Temptation abounds in the sea of endless beauty that is Hollywood.

Case in point: Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez
There was a time in 2002 where you couldn't turn on the TV or read a magazine without seeing or hearing that dreaded, stupid compound word, "Bennifer." They were the ultimate publicity whores, which probably was the end cause of their broken off engagement. The couple was overexposed in a bad way, resulting in the embarrassing, box office failure, Gigli. No wonder both J.Lo and Affleck try to keep a low profile with their now husband and wife, Marc Anthony and Jennifer Garner.

One is more famous
Case in point: Reese Witherspoon and Ryan Phillippe
Reese Witherspoon is America's darling. She was charming and hilarious in Legally Blonde and won an Oscar for her portrayal of June Carter in Walk the Line. Her, what's his name? Exactly. Ryan Phillippe was suffering from a severe drought of good movie roles, and little fame. Perhaps he felt neglected and emasculated? Whatever the real issue was, he cheated on her with actress Abbie Cornish and the World's population collectively thought: downgrade.

Overexposed by Reality TV
Case in point: Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey
They were like the Lucille Ball and Desi Arnez of the millennium, except she was the wacky blond and he was the straight laced boy next door. Neither one of them was very famous before the run of their reality show Newlyweds, that documented their marriage, showcasing her ditziness and his good guy demeanor. It really catapulted Simpson to celebrity status, inflated her ago, and resulted in her leaving poor Nick. Another couple gone bad due to reality TV: Travis Barker and Shanna Moakler in MTV's, Meet the Barkers.

Are celebrity couples doomed to fail because of the nature of the industry they work in? How would it be possible to avoid these pitfalls?

Monday, June 23, 2008

Fast-Growing Careers With High Salaries

by Gabby Hyman, career writer

Thinking of changing careers? Whether you're just beginning your education or returning to college, there are fast-growing professions that show no signs of slowing down through the end of the decade -- and they pay.

Let's look over some fast-track career groups that offer strong salaries with room to grow:
Commercial Loan Officers. Commercial loan officers work for banks, credit unions, and other lenders to help them analyze loan applicants for their consumer credit history and financial status. You'll need strong financial skills and a degree in business, economics, sales, or banking. Many online finance or management programs can get you up to speed in a hurry.

According to, the national average of entry level earnings for commercial loan officers ranges from $55,475 to $71,382 with $3,000-$7,000 in bonuses. After six to eight years of experience, commercial loan officers can earn between $95,015 and $116,670, to a top salary of $128,034.

Financial Analyst. Financial analysts develop critical revenue projections and investment analyses for individuals or companies. There are online MBA or undergraduate business degree programs offering courses in statistics, accounting, economics, and business law that can prepare you for this fast-growing field.

The national annual salary range for entry level analysts is between $40,632 and $51,982, but with seven years experience, you'll leap into the $90,690 to $99,972 range.

Senior Database Administrator. A senior database administrator can design, maintain, and crunch a company's database to dramatically affect the operational bottom line. An online computer science degree or computer programming degree can provide fundamental skills necessary to thrive in this IT career. You'll need at least a bachelor-level IT degree to play on this rewarding field.

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) reports that senior database administrator jobs will grow faster than the average rate for all career groups through 2014. And you'll look forward to your paycheck. Top salaries range from $90,690 to $113,849, with a top tier around $125,379.

Network Security Administrators. Like their database cousins, network security administrators are among the fastest-growing career groups in the nation. In this role, you'll be the architect and security watchdog for an organization's voice systems, LAN/WAN, and telecommunications networks.

You'll need at least an IT bachelor's degree to compete, and you can better your prospects through online IT network certification and graduate degree programs. But it's worth it. Top annual salaries range from $61,117 to $100,685, with a high end around $123,585.

Registered Nurses. There's no shortage of nursing jobs. According to the U.S. DOL, nurses make up the second-largest career group in the country. There are registered nurses and registered nurses with bachelor's degrees. The difference in earnings and the ceiling on your career can depend on your willingness to enroll in an online RN to BSN degree program.

Consider the evidence: entry level wages for an RN floor nurse range $53,398 to $68,263. Nurses who want to move into supervisory positions better their chances for advancement with a BSN degree. For example, head nurses average between $74,965 to $97,276, and head operating room nurses average from $80,084 to $112,090.

Web Interface Design Directors. Among all the graphics design professions, the U.S. DOL predicts that Web designers with animation experience will have the best job prospects through the decade. And, among these, Web interface design directors are the best earners. You can enroll in online graphics design degree programs and software courses to bone up on the latest graphical user interfaces (GUIs), usability trends, and code management techniques.

In return, look for the national earnings average of $47,551 to $66,277 for entry level designers to ramp up to a muscular $121,310 to $141,662 range -- with top salaries at $148,374 -- for senior interface design directors.

Restaurant General Managers. Restaurant general managers work for major restaurant chains, private bistros, hotels, resorts, and casinos. The Department of Labor predicts best opportunities will be for salaried managers than self-employed restaurateurs. You'll prosper from completing online hotel and restaurant management programs.

National average wages for restaurant GMs range from $53,255 to $60,765, with an average at $70,546 for managers of fine restaurants.

Paralegals.Paralegals provide critical support to attorneys, law offices, corporate legal departments, courts, and government agencies. The Department of Labor predicts brisk growth in the field, especially for graduates of paralegal courses offered through online paralegal degree programs.

The national salary range for entry level paralegals is from $36,641 to $49,754, however, paralegals with eight years experience may earn upwards of $86,666.

Gabby Hyman has created online strategies and written content for Fortune 500 companies including eToys,, Siebel Systems, Microsoft Encarta, Avaya, and Nissan UK.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Making love is the best sleeping pill

By Cory Quirino

Getting up every morning is such a chore for most people. More challenging is to wake up with energy. Do you know that when you’re asleep:

Body temperature drops to its all-time low.

Muscles and joints are stiff, blood pressure falls and blood pools in the extremities (legs and arms).

The body undergoes a state of paralysis during sleep cycle for 20-30 minutes to prevent reacting to dreams.

If you have insomnia:

Wind down in the late hours of the evening. Don’t cram so many activities at night.
Avoid eating heavy dinner.

Let go of problems concerning your finances, job, husband/wife/lover/family.
Don’t bring home work.
Soak in a hot tub.
Drink a glass of warm milk or chamomile tea.
Use the bed only for sleeping—not watching TV or surfing the net.
Stretch your spine.
Have a massage.
Read yourself to sleep.
Watch an uplifting, relaxing movie, not a horror film.

Make love at bedtime, it’s nature’s best sleeping pill.

If you need to take an antihistamine or decongestant, do so at least three hours before bedtime.

Finally, visualize you are in a place of serenity—a beach, a mountain top, etc. See it, feel it, experience it.

Stop telling yourself and others you are an insomniac. Don’t label yourself. Reinforcing it makes your subconscious accept it as truth.

Meditate five to 10 minutes before bedtime.

Take 1-3 mg of natural hormone, melatonin, 20 minutes before bedtime. If this doesn’t help, then you are stressed about something that needs addressing.

Instead of a sleeping pill, take inositol and 2,000 mg of pantothenic acid from Vitamin B to induce sleep the natural way.

Mother of all illness

Stress has been called the mother of all illness. It is a condition of the mind that affects the spirit and emotions and ultimately, the body. Experts say treat the cause, the symptom will go away.

If you are in a state of stress:

Sit down. Take a full glass of water.
Get hold of yourself. Release your frustration slowly.
Take a deep breath, slow down your breathing. Do this for five minutes.

Close your eyes and talk to yourself. Affirm: “I am in control of my feelings and situation. The solution is coming.” Or “No problem is too great. My prayers will be answered.”

Listen to relaxing music.

Be in the presence of happy people.

Get up and go. Do something positive that you’ve never done before. Surprise yourself.
Load up on Vitamin B complex, (500 mg daily). This is an anti-stress supplement (especially B1, B2—50 mg each daily), natural sources: green leafy vegetables, liver, eggs, dairy, oatmeal, peanuts, brewers yeast, fish, lean meats, figs, prunes, poultry, root crops.

If you need to turbo-charge your day, get up in the morning with a goal designed to excite you. Make sure your eyes are exposed to daylight. This will directly stimulate your brain. Think of a happy thought that will put a smile on your face. Drink one to four tablespoons of virgin coco oil in the morning, either on an empty stomach or mixed with your juice or oatmeal. Do 20-30 minutes of exercise daily, even brisk walking will do. Have a hearty breakfast. Take your vitamin-mineral supplement. Have a good laugh. Face yourself in the morning before you go out and affirm “You’re a winner. Go out and claim your prize.”

Love and light!

References: “Vitamin Bible For The 21st Century” by Earl Mindell; “Sleep Rx” by Norman Ford

Friday, June 13, 2008

Ways to help prevent cervical cancer

As early as age 10, one can already acquire the Human Papillomavirus (HPV), a common virus affecting one out of 10 people worldwide, or approximately 630 million people.

When left untreated, certain types of HPV may lead to cervical cancer, the second most common form of cancer worldwide, with almost 600 women dying each day.

In the Philippines, 4,349 women had died of cervical cancer, out of the 6,000 new cases reported in 2002 alone, according to pharmaceutical firm Merck Sharp & Dohme (MSD).

At a briefing hosted by MSD, Dr. Efren Domingo, president-elect of the research organization Asia Oceania Genital Infection and Neoplasia Philippine chapter, explained that most women suffering from cervical cancer have probably acquired or been exposed to a high-risk type of HPV when they were still in their teens.

In an interview, Dr. Domingo said however that most women show signs of cervical cancer only by age 30-35 and this becomes even more prevalent at age 40-49.

“It takes a while before the tumor fully develops and generates into cancer,” Domingo added.
Contrary to common beliefs, cervical cancer, a serious life-threatening condition is not hereditary. Rather, it is caused by certain types of HPV—particularly types 16 and 18—that women may acquire in their teens just when their body is developing, Dr. Domingo said.
How cervical cancer develops

Cervical cancer develops when these abnormal cells in the lining of the cervix start to multiply out of control. Cervix is the part of the uterus that connects the upper part of the uterus (womb) and the vagina.

The transition from abnormal cell growth due to HPV to cervical cancer often takes a number of years, although in rare cases, it can happen within a year, MSD said.

According to MSD, there are more than 100 types of HPV, affecting both men and women. Most types of HPV do not cause any symptoms, are harmless and go away on their own in 1-2 years through the body’s natural immune response.

While HPVs are usually transmitted through sexual activity, MSD claimed that new studies are now emerging, citing new sources and new ways of acquiring certain strains of HPV.
It further explained that low risk HPV types can cause the formation of genital warts, fleshy, noncancerous growths that appear on or around the genitals. There are, however, 30 types of HPV affecting the genital area that can possibly lead to cervical, vaginal and vulvar cancers.
Domingo explained that once these types of HPV are left untreated and the immune system does not clear the infection, abnormal cells may begin to grow and develop into precancerous lesions. He added that most often than not it takes a number of years before it develops into cancer.


While highly preventable, cervical cancer like other forms of cancer usually has no early symptoms which make it all the more difficult to detect. More often than not cervical cancer is discovered at a more advance stage, Domingo noted.

According to him, the most common symptoms include abnormal vaginal bleeding, increased vaginal discharge usually whitish to yellowish in color, pelvic pain and pain during sexual intercourse.

MSD also warned that precancerous changes and early cancers of the cervix do not generally cause pain or other symptoms and thus, it is essential to get regular pap screenings to detect cancers at a stage when they can be treated most effectively.

Domingo echoed MSD’s warning that only pap smear can detect possible signs of cervical cancer. He stressed that once a person gets sexually active, she should start getting pap smear tests a year after.

Studies have proven that pap smear had significantly reduced cervical cancer deaths. However, like any other medical tests pap smears aren’t perfect, he added.

Cancer prevention

Another way to help prevent cervical cancer is through MSD’s cervical cancer vaccine called Gardasil.

Recently, MSD launched its cervical cancer prevention advocacy dubbed “Everything I Can,” which is aimed at encouraging mothers and young women to do everything they can to prevent cervical cancer.

They are encouraged to understand the risks of acquiring HPV and to visit their OB-gynecologists and/or their daughter’s pediatrician to discuss ways on how to help prevent cervical cancer. ( Tess S. Samaniego;

Thursday, June 12, 2008

World's Best Places to Live in 2008

New York, London, and Paris are internationally renowned cities but consultants at Mercer Consulting have picked Zurich, Switzerland, as the best place to live in the company's annual survey.

Consultants rated each city on a variety of factors including the level of traffic congestion, air quality, and personal safety reported by expatriates living in more than 600 cities worldwide. In the top 25, U.S. cities such as San Francisco, Boston, and Chicago were all edged out by Geneva, Switzerland, Vancouver, B.C., and Auckland, New Zealand. The highest-scoring U.S. city is Honolulu, which came in at No. 28.

Still, Mercer acknowledges that cities with a high quality of life are not necessarily the most exciting. "There are a lot of 'sleepy' towns that got high ratings," said Rebecca Powers, a principal consultant in human capital for the company. "But if you were to judge them on something like nightlife, there are some that probably wouldn't have rated as high."

No. 1: Zurich, Switzerland
Mercer score: 108*2007 rank: No. 1GDP: $300.9 billion (2007 est.)**Population: 7,581,520 (total country); 347,517 (total city)Life expectancy: 80.74 years

No. 2 (tie): Vienna, Austria
Mercer score: 107.92007 rank: No. 3GDP: $319.7 billion (2007 est.)Population: 8,205,533 (total country); 1,825,287 (total city)Life expectancy: 79.36 years

No. 2 (tie): Geneva, Switzerland

Mercer score: 107.92007 rank: No. 2GDP: $300.9 billion (2007 est.)Population: 7,581,520 (total country); 185,000 (total city)Life expectancy: 80.74 years

No. 4: Vancouver, Canada

Mercer score: 107.62007 rank: No. 3GDP: $1.274 trillion (2007 est.)Population: 33,212,696 (total country); 560,000 (total city)Life expectancy: 81.16 years

No. 5: Auckland, New Zealand

Mercer score: 107.32007 rank: No. 5GDP: $112.6 billion (2007 est.)Population: 4,173,460 (total country); 1.18 million (total city)Life expectancy: 80.24 years

No. 6: Dusseldorf, Germany

Mercer score: 107.22007 rank: No. 6GDP: $2.833 trillion (2007 est.)Population: 82,369,548 (total country); 581,858 (total city)Life expectancy: 79.1 years

No. 7 (tie): Munich, Germany

Mercer score: 1072007 rank: No. 8GDP: $2.833 trillion (2007 est.)Population: 82,369,548 (total country); 1,332,650 (total city)Life expectancy: 79.1 years

No. 7 (tie): Frankfurt, Germany

Mercer score: 1072007 rank: No. 7GDP: $2.833 trillion (2007 est.)Population: 82,369,548 (total country); 3,700,000 (total city)Life expectancy: 79.1 years

No. 9: Bern, Switzerland

Mercer score: 106.52007 rank: No. 9GDP: $319.7 billion (2007 est.)Population: 8,205,533 (total country); 122,178 (total city)Life expectancy: 79.36 years

No. 10: Sydney, Australia

Mercer score: 106.32007 rank: No. 9GDP: $766.8 billion (2007 est.)Population: 20,600,856 (total country); 4,297,100 (total city)Life expectancy: 80.73 years


The rankings are based on a point scoring index, with Zurich scoring 108 and Baghdad scoring 13.5. Cities are compared to New York as the base city, with an index score of 100. The quality-of-living survey covers 215 cities and is conducted to help governments and major companies place employees on international assignments. The survey also identifies those cities with the highest personal safety ranking based on internal stability, crime, effectiveness of law enforcement, and relationships with other countries.

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Monday, June 9, 2008

Coffee - Fact or Fiction?

By Joy Bauer, MS, RD, CDN

Can that afternoon Americano actually be good for you? Does that Red Bull have more or less caffeine than the same amount of coffee? Test your coffee knowledge with this coffee 101!

Fact or fiction? 3 cups of daily joe helps boost your memory...

Fact. In November 2005, Austrian researchers confirmed that caffeinated coffee can temporarily sharpen your focus and memory. After giving volunteers the caffeine equivalent of about two cups of coffee, their brain activity was increased in two locations - the memory-rich frontal lobe and the attention-controlling anterior cingulum.

Now a new study published in the August 7, 2007, issue of Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology, found the effects of coffee may be longer lasting - specifically in women. At the end of this four-year study, researchers found that women age 65 and older who drank more than three cups of coffee per day (or the caffeine equivalent in tea) had 33% less decline in memory over time than women who drank one cup or less of coffee or tea per day.
This caffeine-memory association was not observed in men - the authors hypothesize that perhaps that's because men and women metabolize caffeine differently.

This is exciting news for women, though it's certainly too premature to recommend caffeine as a memory cure-all. And it's important to point out that this study found no protective effect for true dementia or Alzheimer's disease.

Fact or fiction? Coffee and exercise prevent skin cancer...

Perhaps. According to a new Rutgers University study on mice (it has yet to be tested on humans), the combination of exercise and caffeine increases the body's ability to combat precancerous cells damaged by the sun's ultraviolet rays. The caffeine consumption alone helped destroy precancerous skin cells, as did the exercise alone. But the two together provided significant protection. Dr. Allan Conney, one of the paper's authors, points out the possibility of some sort of synergy between the two.

Of course, this is not a substitute for sunscreen!

Fact or fiction? Coffee is a potent diuretic...

Fiction. It's true the stimulant effect of coffee can act as a slight diuretic. However, the overall volume of water you consume while enjoying your cup of coffee will more than make up for the small amount lost in your urine.

Fact or fiction? Energy drinks deliver more caffeine than coffee....

Perhaps. It varies from drink to drink. For example, Red Bull is known as an ultimate energy drink, but it only contains 80 milligrams of caffeine in one 8-ounce can - less than the 100 milligrams in an average cup of coffee. That said, this is a case-by-case comparison.... check the caffeine amount on the label to know for sure.

Fact or fiction? Coffee enhances your workout...

Fact. A burst of caffeine before a workout can give you a slight edge: As little as 100 milligrams of caffeine - the amount in just a cup of coffee - has been shown to improve the athletic performance of dedicated exercisers (though casual exercisers won't experience the same boost). Researchers aren't sure why, but it may be because caffeine signals your muscles to ignore fatigue and contract differently.

P.S. The following folks should avoid caffeine altogether:

People who are caffeine sensitive: The stimulant effects of caffeine will exacerbate restlessness, anxiety, irritability, and/or headaches.

People with sleeping issues: Caffeine can stay in your system anywhere from three to eight hours. So depending on your personal sensitivity, stop drinking it accordingly.

People with gastrointestinal problems: A dose of caffeine may irritate your stomach if you have irritable bowel syndrome or ulcers.

People with elevated blood pressure or abnormal heart rhythms: In this case, your personal physician knows best.

People with severe PMS and cystic breasts: Caffeine has been shown to worsen these conditions.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

When you have 'feeling' for a friend

Crossing the 'Friend Zone'
By Andrea Syrtash, ONDating

You've had feelings for your friend for a while and you're worried about crossing the line and ruining the friendship. That's not really true, of course, but that's what you keep telling yourself so you can justify not putting yourself on the line and risking rejection.

Sure -- it's possible to love a friend of the opposite sex without picturing him or her in bed. Having feelings for your friend doesn't necessarily prove Harry's theory in "When Harry Met Sally" who famously declared that "No man can be friends with a woman that he finds attractive. He always wants to have sex with her."

There are exceptions to Harry's rule, but one thing is certain -- being seen as just a friend by all the people you want to date can be frustrating. So here are a few ways to prevent being stuck in (cue scary music): 'The Friend Zone':

1. Do Flirt

It's okay if romance is on your brain when you greet your friend. In fact, it can fuel the chemistry. It's good for your friend to catch you subtly checking him or her out. As long as you're not drooling or gawking, it can be sexy. You want your friend to think he or she imagined the look. Light touching and sincere and specific compliments are great for flirting, too.

2. Don't Be the Problem Solver

Are you on speed dial every time your friend needs something fixed or wants to process a bad relationship? It's nice to help your friend occasionally, but make sure you're not the one he or she associates with problems.

If you do come over to help, mention that you're happy to assist for an hour but have plans after that. Better to remain a little mysterious and have your friend wondering who else is getting your attention.

3. Have Fun

Create unique memories. You're aware of your friend's passions, so initiate fun and interesting activities that you know your friend will enjoy but isn't doing with others.

And -- if someone has dumped you, confide in a friend you don't have feelings for! Remember to keep an upbeat attitude and stay confident -- those are two of the most attractive qualities cited by singles when looking for a mate.

Of course, not every friendship ends with a romantic happy ending and you may have to be prepared that your crush just wants to stay your friend. You'll have to decide if that's enough for you.

In the meantime, if you feel like you often end up in the friend zone with people you want to date, plant some of these seeds and see if anything grows in your relationship. Sometimes a glass of wine or a flirtatious exchange can change the dynamic... and you look at each other and wonder why it took so long.

Friday, May 2, 2008


Ok look... This is actually pretty simple if you knowwhat women are looking for in a guy. To behonest, I can tell you right now WHY you haven'tfound a girlfriend yet. See, you may have found a special woman youWOULD LIKE to be with, but she just doesn't feelattracted to you. She does NOT feel the same way towards youthan you do to her. How come? Because you didn't give a woman what she needsto feel sexually attracted to you. She may thinkyou're a nice guy and a good friend, but that'sas far as it goes. She doesn't see you as apotential boyfriend or lover. And that really sucks ... so we need tochange that.

So what are you doing wrong? What is itthat makes women tell you that "you are anice guy, but not really for her?" Well for are a god-damn wussbag! A woman doesn' reject a man if he doesn'thave anything to offer to a her like money,a muscular body, a fancy sports-car and good-looks.That's not the case even thought everybody thinksthat way. It's not because women think you are aweirdo or you dress like a bum. It's not because you think all those stunning women are out of your league. There Is something else. You haven't found a girlfriend or a woman that loves you for who you are because you are just being, no. It's because women don't like men who act like wimps and clingy nice-guys.

Now...READ MY LIPS: You are a wimp!! See, you have been YOURSELF all your life...and has it worked? Not really. But you don'twant to become a different person either andI respect that. The good thing is, you won't have to change at all ... you just need to IMPROVE! I need to show you what really works with women, and give you the necessary knowledge and some of my killer dating tips that actually work in thereal world. Not just any kind of dating tips...I am goingto show you how ANYBODY, regardless of how rich,tall or handsome you are can meet and date the kind of women you always wanted! So why don't you have a girlfriend yet? Because nobody has ever told you what todo to successfully attract women. How couldyou?

Most men aren't born with the gift ofmaking women laugh, giggle and sweeping themoff their feet. It is an art, and if you've never reallyunderstood why women pick certain men overothers, you have some learning to do. So here's what I want you to do: STOP being a wuss! - Don't kiss a woman's ass. - Don't buy them drinks. - Don't pay them any compliments. - Don't invite them to dinner or to the movies. - Don't bring flowers, chocolate, a cuddly-toy or ANYTHING at all! It only shows a woman that you are a clingy,needy nice-guy who wants to BUY a woman's affection...and attraction cannot be bought, let'srather be friends!". And here's another thing. The more you want sex from her, a long-termrelationship or even just a kiss ... the less you will get it. Women don't like what they can have right away. If you are too pushy, needy and "easy-to-get", you are not a challenge for any woman and therefore BORING! The key is to be interesting! So STOP what you are doing RIGHT NOW...and get it right!

*** COMMENT ***

Hey I really must comment you for the mails, I got from u. I would get the book latest next week. it really worked!!!!! The chick had to confess about my self confidence. All I could say inside of me was thanks to mails from nick. The more I receive those mails the bolder I've become, since naturallyI am a very shy guy. Thanks again!Oli.Singapore>>>


Wow Now that is awesome to hear.I think I just became famous in singapore...


Nick First of all I want to say thanks man!I've had your books for about a week anda 1/2 now and it's turned my life around.I'm 32 years old and I've just gone througha divorce It's been rough man. and after 8yrs.of marriage it's not easy getting back intothe dating scene again. since I've studied yourmaterials I've had 1 coffe date and I've gotten2 phone numbers. I seem to be having alot ofluck at the mall and at the local wallmart.I"m still struggling with some confidence issuesthough. today I was in the cafeteria area at themall and 2 gorgeous chics were sitting at a tableand the both looked at me as I walked by so Istood in line to get a slice of pizza...gotmy pizza and sat at a table 2 tables down fromthere's one of them glanced over and the otherone turned around for a look the wispered backand forth and that was it I was like a deer stuckin the headlights I didn't know what to do or say.It's bad enough when your aproaching 1 girl but2 girls that's rough. do you have any advice for me bro.Johnny Inglewood, USA>>>


Allright, here's what to do: This is much easier than it looks like, and thefact that she is with a friend shouldn't botheryou. If you ready my material then you should knowthat if there is a group of two can'tignore her friend because if you do, she will DRAGyour target away. I see guys fall into that trap all the time. They ignore her friend, only talk to the onethey like...and then they lose because her friendsays "sorry, we have to go" because she gets jealous. Now, let's deal with the approaching or walking upfirst. You see, when they are sitting down and you don'tfeel comfortable enough to just walk over there, grabthe nearest chair and plant yourself down next to them... ...then I have the PERFECT technique for you. WAVE! Yes that's right. When they look at you, whisper and giggle, you GOTto make a move. They know you are checking them out,they know they got your attention. But they are now testing you if you are man enoughto handle the situation. Just WAAAVEE SLOOOWLY ... and put on a cocky grin. In 99% of the cases, they will wave back. THIS is your cue. Now you can either go overand say "Hey ... will you please stop staring at me likethat ... I'm not a sex-object you know" or ... just makea COME HERE gesture, telling them to come over to youand join you. But the situation isn't COLD have anopen invitation to approach and talk to them. Try it, it works. And make sure you pick up a copy of my Secrets Of Attractionbook to give yoruself teh extra edge when it comes tosituations like this. It is essential you know what is going on in a woman's mindand how to create that ATTRACTION at the snap of your fingers! Get your trial copy here: ==>


Hey Nick,I really want to thank you for what you'vedone and I can't begin to tell you how muchmy life has changed thanks to your programme.You also walk your talk which which I respectyou for. Before I read your newsletters I wouldsee a girl I'd think "shes fit" and neverdream of having a chance but now you've opnedmy eyes I think "shes fit. I wonder how fast I can get her number." It amazing! Anyway to myquestions. I met this girl about six months ago(a long time a ago I know but its still annoying me)in the summer leave at university and Ireally fell for her (this is before I readyour newsletter) and I admit I was beingclingy with her but we went out a few times duringour holiday and we just talked and we really got on, we talked for hours without any silence oranything. But as soon as we got back to universityshe went all weird on me, I tried to talk to herbut she was really quiet as if she had never talkedto me before. It was really weird. So my questionis why would she do this? And what are the most common excuses women give men and how to counter them?Cheers m8 I look forward to reading your "Secrets of Attraction".TomU.K.>>>


Oh boy! Why would a woman ignore you after you have talked to her for HOURS, pouting each othershearts out...talking about men, women, love andrelationships? You felt there really was a connection...and sodid she. You know what was missing? SEXUAL ATTRACTION! She thinks you're a great guy, but ONLY as a friend!She doesn't think you are boyfriend material...and shealso knows that you want to be with her. That's why she ignores you know. Why? You even answered yoru own question there: Becauseyou were a CLINGY, NEEDY and NICE WUSS!!! What excuses will she give you now? "Well, you're a really nice guy and I think we gotalong great...but I only like you as a friend" There you go! If you behave like a clingy, needy nice-guy,you deserve to become a woman's friend...and no kissy-kissyfor those guys! WAKE UP MAN! You need! Don't do it again, learn how to create sexual andemotional attraction in a woman so you will become herlover and boyfriend instead. Now go and study my newsletter and hit the books!


Hey Nick,Fantastic news. Last Friday I finally decided to giveyour "buy ME a drink" formula a try. It worked like acharm. Without further ado the lady put her phone numberin my phone. To put it midly I now have her at my leisure.Thanks a million!!RobFort Lauderdale>>> MY COMMENTS: Great story ... next time, why don't you try the"buy Nick a beer as he is the greatest" formula? lol!

*** QUESTION ***

Hi Nickbought your book a few days ago and gotta say itreally helped me get more numbers than I used to butheres the problem. I have always done pretty well withgirls who I talk to in quiet normal places like shops,malls, coffee shops or at private partiers etc using yourtechniqes, but when it comes to clubs I just dont seem tohave any success. Me and my friends go out every saturdayand they all seem to go off with girls leaving me the lonerat the bar. You see because the clubs are loud and I haveto shout, I cant seem to come across as the cool calm guy thatI am. None of the lines work simply because they just can'thear them, and after I repeat a line several times to the samegirl because of the noise they dont have the same affect.I was just wondering Nick if you could give me any tips incertain body language to use, and some cool one liners thatdont take long to say, another thing with me in a club is thatone of my main techniques is not to ask a girl to Dance but tohold my hand out this way they can check if they want to dancewith me or not without me coming across clingy. This always worksfor me as they always grab my hand and I lead them to thedancefloor, BUT for some reason while we are on the dancefloormy mind goes blank and I just dont know what to say to her soafter a few minutes of dancing she goes off with her friendsand im left alone AGAIN. I've watched my friends dance withother girls and they will say something in the girls ear andshe will be laughing I've always wondered what there sayingand when I ask them they just say they can't remember, they'veobviously got some sort of techniqe down but dont want to share it.I hope u can help me Nick....... thnx for reading and get backto me ASAPPhillipLiverpool, England>>>


Allright let me address this one at a time here. First of all, everybody who says that clubs or barsare just too lout to meet women is completely braindead. BUT ... you are right: Clubs and Bars are louder! Is that a problem? Hell no! You just have to rethinkyour logistics. Look, on the street you can talk pretty muchanywhere you want as the environment PERMITS it. However, when you stand next to a lawn-mower ora chainsaw rattling at full speed ... what do you do?

You MOVE 10 STEPS AWAY! Listen, I used to have the same problem in clubs andeverybody thinks that there is no solution, but all youhave to do is make a gesture that you didn't understandwhat she just said or that it's really loud, take herhand and literally WALK (!) to the the bar, anothercorner or away from the loud music in the club. 99% of the women will FOLLOW you when you LEAD, sojust make that gesture, grab her hand and move away10-15 yards where you can talk. Get it? Now, I like your "stick out your hand" to get a womanto dance with you. I used to do the same but found aneven better solution that works EVERY SINGLE TIME, you'lllearn it in my DVDs. But to answer your question: "I've always wondered whatmy friends were saying to a girl on the dancefloor thatmakes her giggle" ... Well, what do YOU think they are saying? Could it be that they are teasing her? Busting herballs that she dances like a little heffalump fromwinnie-pooh? Telling her that she has the same cheekyface like their bratty little sister? Are they asking her what she does apart from pickingup cute guys like them? Attraction, anyone? The secret is what I've been talking about for the lastgazillion days in my newsletters, books and DVDs man!