Friday, May 2, 2008


Ok look... This is actually pretty simple if you knowwhat women are looking for in a guy. To behonest, I can tell you right now WHY you haven'tfound a girlfriend yet. See, you may have found a special woman youWOULD LIKE to be with, but she just doesn't feelattracted to you. She does NOT feel the same way towards youthan you do to her. How come? Because you didn't give a woman what she needsto feel sexually attracted to you. She may thinkyou're a nice guy and a good friend, but that'sas far as it goes. She doesn't see you as apotential boyfriend or lover. And that really sucks ... so we need tochange that.

So what are you doing wrong? What is itthat makes women tell you that "you are anice guy, but not really for her?" Well for are a god-damn wussbag! A woman doesn' reject a man if he doesn'thave anything to offer to a her like money,a muscular body, a fancy sports-car and good-looks.That's not the case even thought everybody thinksthat way. It's not because women think you are aweirdo or you dress like a bum. It's not because you think all those stunning women are out of your league. There Is something else. You haven't found a girlfriend or a woman that loves you for who you are because you are just being, no. It's because women don't like men who act like wimps and clingy nice-guys.

Now...READ MY LIPS: You are a wimp!! See, you have been YOURSELF all your life...and has it worked? Not really. But you don'twant to become a different person either andI respect that. The good thing is, you won't have to change at all ... you just need to IMPROVE! I need to show you what really works with women, and give you the necessary knowledge and some of my killer dating tips that actually work in thereal world. Not just any kind of dating tips...I am goingto show you how ANYBODY, regardless of how rich,tall or handsome you are can meet and date the kind of women you always wanted! So why don't you have a girlfriend yet? Because nobody has ever told you what todo to successfully attract women. How couldyou?

Most men aren't born with the gift ofmaking women laugh, giggle and sweeping themoff their feet. It is an art, and if you've never reallyunderstood why women pick certain men overothers, you have some learning to do. So here's what I want you to do: STOP being a wuss! - Don't kiss a woman's ass. - Don't buy them drinks. - Don't pay them any compliments. - Don't invite them to dinner or to the movies. - Don't bring flowers, chocolate, a cuddly-toy or ANYTHING at all! It only shows a woman that you are a clingy,needy nice-guy who wants to BUY a woman's affection...and attraction cannot be bought, let'srather be friends!". And here's another thing. The more you want sex from her, a long-termrelationship or even just a kiss ... the less you will get it. Women don't like what they can have right away. If you are too pushy, needy and "easy-to-get", you are not a challenge for any woman and therefore BORING! The key is to be interesting! So STOP what you are doing RIGHT NOW...and get it right!

*** COMMENT ***

Hey I really must comment you for the mails, I got from u. I would get the book latest next week. it really worked!!!!! The chick had to confess about my self confidence. All I could say inside of me was thanks to mails from nick. The more I receive those mails the bolder I've become, since naturallyI am a very shy guy. Thanks again!Oli.Singapore>>>


Wow Now that is awesome to hear.I think I just became famous in singapore...


Nick First of all I want to say thanks man!I've had your books for about a week anda 1/2 now and it's turned my life around.I'm 32 years old and I've just gone througha divorce It's been rough man. and after 8yrs.of marriage it's not easy getting back intothe dating scene again. since I've studied yourmaterials I've had 1 coffe date and I've gotten2 phone numbers. I seem to be having alot ofluck at the mall and at the local wallmart.I"m still struggling with some confidence issuesthough. today I was in the cafeteria area at themall and 2 gorgeous chics were sitting at a tableand the both looked at me as I walked by so Istood in line to get a slice of pizza...gotmy pizza and sat at a table 2 tables down fromthere's one of them glanced over and the otherone turned around for a look the wispered backand forth and that was it I was like a deer stuckin the headlights I didn't know what to do or say.It's bad enough when your aproaching 1 girl but2 girls that's rough. do you have any advice for me bro.Johnny Inglewood, USA>>>


Allright, here's what to do: This is much easier than it looks like, and thefact that she is with a friend shouldn't botheryou. If you ready my material then you should knowthat if there is a group of two can'tignore her friend because if you do, she will DRAGyour target away. I see guys fall into that trap all the time. They ignore her friend, only talk to the onethey like...and then they lose because her friendsays "sorry, we have to go" because she gets jealous. Now, let's deal with the approaching or walking upfirst. You see, when they are sitting down and you don'tfeel comfortable enough to just walk over there, grabthe nearest chair and plant yourself down next to them... ...then I have the PERFECT technique for you. WAVE! Yes that's right. When they look at you, whisper and giggle, you GOTto make a move. They know you are checking them out,they know they got your attention. But they are now testing you if you are man enoughto handle the situation. Just WAAAVEE SLOOOWLY ... and put on a cocky grin. In 99% of the cases, they will wave back. THIS is your cue. Now you can either go overand say "Hey ... will you please stop staring at me likethat ... I'm not a sex-object you know" or ... just makea COME HERE gesture, telling them to come over to youand join you. But the situation isn't COLD have anopen invitation to approach and talk to them. Try it, it works. And make sure you pick up a copy of my Secrets Of Attractionbook to give yoruself teh extra edge when it comes tosituations like this. It is essential you know what is going on in a woman's mindand how to create that ATTRACTION at the snap of your fingers! Get your trial copy here: ==>


Hey Nick,I really want to thank you for what you'vedone and I can't begin to tell you how muchmy life has changed thanks to your programme.You also walk your talk which which I respectyou for. Before I read your newsletters I wouldsee a girl I'd think "shes fit" and neverdream of having a chance but now you've opnedmy eyes I think "shes fit. I wonder how fast I can get her number." It amazing! Anyway to myquestions. I met this girl about six months ago(a long time a ago I know but its still annoying me)in the summer leave at university and Ireally fell for her (this is before I readyour newsletter) and I admit I was beingclingy with her but we went out a few times duringour holiday and we just talked and we really got on, we talked for hours without any silence oranything. But as soon as we got back to universityshe went all weird on me, I tried to talk to herbut she was really quiet as if she had never talkedto me before. It was really weird. So my questionis why would she do this? And what are the most common excuses women give men and how to counter them?Cheers m8 I look forward to reading your "Secrets of Attraction".TomU.K.>>>


Oh boy! Why would a woman ignore you after you have talked to her for HOURS, pouting each othershearts out...talking about men, women, love andrelationships? You felt there really was a connection...and sodid she. You know what was missing? SEXUAL ATTRACTION! She thinks you're a great guy, but ONLY as a friend!She doesn't think you are boyfriend material...and shealso knows that you want to be with her. That's why she ignores you know. Why? You even answered yoru own question there: Becauseyou were a CLINGY, NEEDY and NICE WUSS!!! What excuses will she give you now? "Well, you're a really nice guy and I think we gotalong great...but I only like you as a friend" There you go! If you behave like a clingy, needy nice-guy,you deserve to become a woman's friend...and no kissy-kissyfor those guys! WAKE UP MAN! You need! Don't do it again, learn how to create sexual andemotional attraction in a woman so you will become herlover and boyfriend instead. Now go and study my newsletter and hit the books!


Hey Nick,Fantastic news. Last Friday I finally decided to giveyour "buy ME a drink" formula a try. It worked like acharm. Without further ado the lady put her phone numberin my phone. To put it midly I now have her at my leisure.Thanks a million!!RobFort Lauderdale>>> MY COMMENTS: Great story ... next time, why don't you try the"buy Nick a beer as he is the greatest" formula? lol!

*** QUESTION ***

Hi Nickbought your book a few days ago and gotta say itreally helped me get more numbers than I used to butheres the problem. I have always done pretty well withgirls who I talk to in quiet normal places like shops,malls, coffee shops or at private partiers etc using yourtechniqes, but when it comes to clubs I just dont seem tohave any success. Me and my friends go out every saturdayand they all seem to go off with girls leaving me the lonerat the bar. You see because the clubs are loud and I haveto shout, I cant seem to come across as the cool calm guy thatI am. None of the lines work simply because they just can'thear them, and after I repeat a line several times to the samegirl because of the noise they dont have the same affect.I was just wondering Nick if you could give me any tips incertain body language to use, and some cool one liners thatdont take long to say, another thing with me in a club is thatone of my main techniques is not to ask a girl to Dance but tohold my hand out this way they can check if they want to dancewith me or not without me coming across clingy. This always worksfor me as they always grab my hand and I lead them to thedancefloor, BUT for some reason while we are on the dancefloormy mind goes blank and I just dont know what to say to her soafter a few minutes of dancing she goes off with her friendsand im left alone AGAIN. I've watched my friends dance withother girls and they will say something in the girls ear andshe will be laughing I've always wondered what there sayingand when I ask them they just say they can't remember, they'veobviously got some sort of techniqe down but dont want to share it.I hope u can help me Nick....... thnx for reading and get backto me ASAPPhillipLiverpool, England>>>


Allright let me address this one at a time here. First of all, everybody who says that clubs or barsare just too lout to meet women is completely braindead. BUT ... you are right: Clubs and Bars are louder! Is that a problem? Hell no! You just have to rethinkyour logistics. Look, on the street you can talk pretty muchanywhere you want as the environment PERMITS it. However, when you stand next to a lawn-mower ora chainsaw rattling at full speed ... what do you do?

You MOVE 10 STEPS AWAY! Listen, I used to have the same problem in clubs andeverybody thinks that there is no solution, but all youhave to do is make a gesture that you didn't understandwhat she just said or that it's really loud, take herhand and literally WALK (!) to the the bar, anothercorner or away from the loud music in the club. 99% of the women will FOLLOW you when you LEAD, sojust make that gesture, grab her hand and move away10-15 yards where you can talk. Get it? Now, I like your "stick out your hand" to get a womanto dance with you. I used to do the same but found aneven better solution that works EVERY SINGLE TIME, you'lllearn it in my DVDs. But to answer your question: "I've always wondered whatmy friends were saying to a girl on the dancefloor thatmakes her giggle" ... Well, what do YOU think they are saying? Could it be that they are teasing her? Busting herballs that she dances like a little heffalump fromwinnie-pooh? Telling her that she has the same cheekyface like their bratty little sister? Are they asking her what she does apart from pickingup cute guys like them? Attraction, anyone? The secret is what I've been talking about for the lastgazillion days in my newsletters, books and DVDs man!